Skins for Minecraft memiliki katalog kulit untuk Anda pilih dari Skins for Minecraft memiliki katalog kulit untuk Anda pilih. Anda bisa melamar
Skins for Minecraft has a catalogue of skins for you to choose from
Skins for Minecraft has a catalogue of skins for you to choose from. You can apply any skin to either the Pocket Edition of Minecraft or the PC Edition of Minecraft. There are over 400 skins to choose from!
Search through our catalogue with the built in search options, or take a look at some random skins from the 'Home' section. Press the button to randomise the skins shown.
Untuk menggunakan kulit dengan edisi saku Minecraft cukup tekan tombol simpan untuk blocklauncher atau pockettool dan kemudian ikuti instruksi di bagian 'bantuan' kami. You will need to install either PocketTool or BlockLauncher as well as this app.
To use a skin for the PC Edition of Minecraft, simply long touch the preview and select 'Apply Skin (PC)'. You will be directed to the Mojang website where you can login and apply it.
If you get stuck take a look through the 'Help' section. If you are still stuck, send us an email so we can help.
This is an unofficial application for Minecraft. Aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan cara apa pun dengan Mojang AB. Nama Minecraft, merek Minecraft dan aset Minecraft adalah milik Mojang AB atau pemiliknya yang terhormat. Semua hak dilindungi undang -undang. Sesuai dengan
More updates to come, less us know what needs to be added or fixed...